Statesman Ties | A Tie That Means Something

Kelly Fellows (@kellyfellows_) and the Arizona Tie

A few weeks ago, we sent our Arizona Skinny Tie to Kelly Fellows (@kellyfellows_ on Instagram). She got her husband Judd to pose for a few pictures with the Arizona Tie along with herself. Here is what she said on her Instagram page about the experience: "I met Judd a [...]

The President of Guatemala Wears our Guatemala Tie!

This was pretty exciting to see today. Julio Paz tagged us in a picture he saw where the President of Guatemala - Jimmy Morales - was speaking in what looks like a televised speech while wearing our Guatemala Tie! Let me say that again: The President of Guatemala was wearing [...]


We are excited to announce that we will now be offering customized, embroidered tags for our skinny ties! This is in addition to the tags we already offer as an option for our regular width ties. We have been testing this option with the skinny ties for a while now [...]

Behind the Scenes for the June 2019 Photo Shoot

Every photo shoot I've ever done for Statesman Ties has always had a few hiccups during the session. Mostly they happen at the beginning when everyone shows up. Someone has a wrinkled shirt that was bought from Spy Ninja Store. Or, an old, broken belt. Or - and this happens [...]

Salt and Pepper Shakers – Mt. Timpanogos Cave – Utah

Rob here: I was thinking today about some of the cool things that I did as a kid growing up in Utah. There were many different outdoor activities that my family and I did together. A lot of camping and hiking and taking advantage of the proximity to the beautiful [...]

Stateman Ties featured with @juustjesse

We are excited that we had the chance to work with @juustjesse and her husband Eric. Eric loves a good bow tie, so we’re glad he liked our America Skinny Tie as well! The link to go see the post is here. Jesse also produces a weekly show on YouTube called “SundayJess”. [...]

Statesman Ties Featured on Our Kind of Crazy

Access original post here.   What’s a Father’s Day without a tie?!  Check out these StatesMan Ties.  These ties are all ones that represent a country or a state.  And they can be personalized! We ordered the United States tie (of course), and the California tie.  The United States tie [...]

Statesman Ties in the news: Everyday Ellis

Statesman Ties and Everyday Ellis Check out this blog post from April, featuring some of our amazing ties and one adorable couple!! Originally featured on Everyday-Ellis Apr 4, 2017 I was given this tie from Statesman Ties to review.  All opinions are my own.  I would never recommend a product [...]

Haute Mom’s Life – Adrianna Costa – Talking About Our Ties!

Last year at this time, we worked with Adrainna Costa and she (with her husband Scott as the model) did a review on her blog about our California tie. The full article can be found here. Check out some of her other fun and informative posts while you're over there!

Statesman Ties – Texas Tie – Houston Mission South

Eve purchased a tie for her missionary son - Andrew - before he left on his mission. The day he left, she took the attached picture and then send us the following: "Thanks so much for making such a wonderful product.  As Andrew's birthday and departure date (two days apart) [...]

Statesman Ties In the News: Diana Poulter

Dear Missionary Who Baptized Me Featured Diana Poulter Dear Missionary who baptized me, I want to take the time to thank you. You will never know how much of an impact you have made on me. Because of you, I know what true joy and happiness is. Why else would I take [...]

Statesman Ties Happy Customers – The Beazer Twins

"I feel about Tennessee the way you feel about the Ukraine.   For many years I have given out my old mission ties and then DI ties to my priests in the ward with a mission story and I call the ties “Legend Ties”.   Then last year I found [...]

Statesman Ties in the News: The Witlogs

Missionary haircut: A love story “I would never date Elder Whitlock. He’s super young and has really bad hair.” -A stupid person, probably Mind the gap. One thing not many people know about Eric and I is that we met while serving as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of [...]

Statesman Ties in the News: Beautiful Effort blog

Easter Baskets For the first time ever... I am on top of things. I bought all of our Easter stuff last week (minus the candy) and I'm all prepped and ready to fill those little Easter baskets. Growing up we always got a new church outfit & I have always [...]


Statesman Ties FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A Tie That Means Something March 2018 Rob Caldwell, President and Founder Facebook Twitter Instagram STATESMAN TIES AVAILABLE AT BYU-IDAHO BOOKSTORE Statesman Ties ventures into physical locations, starting on BYU Idaho’s campus MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA - Statesman Ties, a tie company specializing in ties that celebrate and [...]

Statesman Ties in the News: Haute Moms Life

  Haute Moms Life by: Adrianna Costa Can you believe the holidays are almost here??  Christmas decorations up, holiday music blaring from the speakers..and GIFT OVERLOAD.  It seems year after year we struggle to find the most special people in our lives, well, extra special gifts.  Do you have that dilemma? [...]

Statesman Ties in the News: RuthAnne Strong

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2017 GUY GIFT GUIDE I have always loved inspiration boards and gift guides. So to kick off learning some new cool tricks I thought I'd share a gift guide for any guy in your life! No matter who it is for-your husband to your grandpa to your [...]

Statesman Ties in the News: We Are The Welches

A TIE THAT MEANS SOMETHING I wanted to share with you guys these ties from Statesman Ties! These unique ties represent the flags from more than 90 different countries from around the world as well as the individual states in the United States. When I came home from my mission I wanted [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Japan

It’s Fun Fact Tuesday here at Statesman Ties. This week we’re featuring the wonderful and weird Japan, the country that inspired our Japan tie. Fun Fact 1:  Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan. In fact, it’s not one mountain, but three volcanos: Komitake, Kofuji, and then Fuji, which [...]

Statesman Ties in the News: The Yates Place

the B E S T G I F T for M I S S I O N A R I E S Did y'all know that Isaac served a two-year mission in Mexico City for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? Yes, this superman husband of mine spent [...]

Statesman Ties In The News: Mami Brain

Heritage and “A Tie That Means Something” You guys! So many beautiful and exciting things came into our home last month, and I am so excited to begin sharing them with all of you! This gorgeous gift from Statesman Ties was the first to arrive, and I have so much to say [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Jamaica

Welcome back to another round of Fun Fact Tuesdays at Statesman Ties. This week we’re featuring Jamaica, the country that inspired our Jamaica tie. Fun Fact 1:  Dunn’s River Falls is one of Jamaica’s natural attractions that brings thousands of visitors each year. It is approximately 1,000 feet tall and [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Italy

It’s Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re featuring Italy, the country that inspired our Italy tie. Fun Fact 1:  The Bridge of Sighs is one of the most photographed bridges in the world. It spans a canal between the Doge’s Palace and a prison. The bridge was [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Guatemala

Welcome back to Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re heading south to talk about Guatemala, which inspired our Guatemala tie. Fun Fact 1:  Lake Atitlan is the deepest lake in Central America and is ringed by small villages populated with people that still practice traditional Mayan ways [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Ireland

It’s Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re featuring Ireland, the country that inspired our Ireland tie. Fun Fact 1:  The Blarney Castle is more than just the Blarney Stone. The grounds are also home to arboretums, ancient Druid rock formations, and a Bog garden. The grounds are [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Indonesia

It’s that time of the week again here at Statesman Ties. This week our featured country is Indonesia, the inspiration for our Indonesia tie. Let’s get started. Fun Fact 1:  Prambanan (pictured below) was built in 850 C.E. and is the largest Hindu complex in Indonesia. It was built and [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – India

We’re back with another rendition of Fun Fact Tuesday here at Statesman Ties. This week our featured country is India, which inspired our India tie. Fun Fact 1:  The Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world – which makes its name, ‘crown of palaces’, especially [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Hungary

We’re back with another rendition of Fun Fact Tuesday here at Statesman Ties. This week our featured country is Hungary, which inspired our Hungary tie. Fun Fact 1:  Hungary has a very strong ‘spa’ culture thanks to an abundance of hot springs. Hungary boasts over 1,500 bathhouses throughout the country [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Hong Kong

It’s Tuesday and you know what that means at Statesman Ties. Time to hear some fun facts about our featured country this week: Hong Kong, the country that inspired our Hong Kong tie. Fun Fact 1:  The Sleeping Beauty Castle at Hong Kong Disneyland is the only one to feature [...]

Statesman Ties In The News: Payne Lane

MY CALIFORNIA DREAM: HOW I MET MY HUSBAND Recently the company Statesman Ties reached out to me about their unique ties. Eric chose the California tie right away, and we had our amazing friend Erin from Erin K. Photo take some pictures for us. This weekend he’s out of town camping, which has made me miss him [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Honduras

Welcome back to Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re talking about Honduras, the country that inspired our Honduras tie. Fun Fact 1:  Copan is a Mayan city built between 400 and 800 B.C.E. It is considered one of the most spectacular cities created by the Mayans and [...]

Statesman Ties Reaches New Corners of the World with Nine New Tie Designs

Statesman Ties Reveals Nine New Ties, Continuing to Expand Their Missionary Reach BETHPAGE, NEW YORK- Statesman Ties, a customizable tie company specializing in ties to celebrate and remember LDS Mission sites around the world, announced this month the release of nine new tie designs. Statesman Ties continues to advance their [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Ghana

Welcome back to Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re talking about Ghana, the country that inspired our Ghana tie. Fun Fact 1: Lake Volta is the largest man-made lake in the entire world. It’s so big that it can be seen from space! The lake covers nearly [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Greece

Welcome back to Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re talking about a dreamy Mediterranean country, Greece, which inspired our Greece tie. Fun Fact 1: The Monasteries in Meteora are the second most important site in Greece (the first is the Acropolis!). They’re one of the only UNESCO [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Ecuador

This week at Statesman Ties we’re discussing Ecuador, the country named after the equator line! This is the county that inspired our Ecuador tie. Fun Fact 1: As we already hinted at, Ecuador is along the equatorial bulge, which means that Ecuador’s highest mountain, Mount Chimborazo, is the point on [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Germany

Welcome back to Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties. This week we’re talking about Germany, the country that inspired our Germany tie. Fun Fact 1: Germany is a land of inventors. Germans invented the light bulb, calculator, car, insulin, clarinet, pocket watch, television, paraffin, gasoline and diesel engines, motorcycle, jet [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – France

We’re back this week at Statesman Ties to talk about the cultural heavyweight, France, the county that inspired our France tie. Fun Fact 1: The shortest reigning king in history was Louis XIX, who ruled France for a mere 20 minutes before he abdicated himself in favor of his nephew, [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Finland

This week at Statesman Ties we’re talking about Finland, the land of saunas. This is the county that inspired our Finland tie. Fun Fact 1: October 13th is Finland’s annual Day of For Failure. Finland takes a pretty optimistic view of failure, citing that it takes failure to finally become [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Congo

This week here on Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties we’re going to be talking about The Democratic Republic of Congo, which is the country that inspired our Congo tie. Fun Fact 1: Congo is an incredibly diverse nation with over 200 ethnic groups represented and nearly 250 languages spoken [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Dominican Republic

We’re here with another round of Tuesday Fun Facts at Statesman Ties – this time on the Dominica Republic, the country that was the inspiration for our Dominican Republic tie. Let’s dive in. Fun Fact 1: Dominica only has a population of about 72,665 people and Roseau (pictured below), the [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Dominica

It’s Fun Fact Tuesday again at Statesman Ties. This week we’re covering Dominica, the country that inspired our Dominica tie. Fun Fact 1: Dominica only has a population of about 72,665 people and Roseau (pictured below), the capital, is the largest city with a population of 16,500. Most of the [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Denmark

This week here on Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties we’re going to be talking about Denmark, the inspiration for our Denmark tie. Fun Fact 1: Denmark is reported to be the happiest country in the world (but that just might be because Danes consume more coffee per capita than [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Colombia

This week at Statesman Ties we’re discussing Colombia! This county inspired our Colombia tie. Let’s get started. Fun Fact 1: Colombia is one of only 17 “megadiverse” countries in the world, second only to Brazil, which is more than ten times its size. It has the most species by area [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – China

It’s Fun Fact Tuesday again on Statesman Ties and this week we’re discussing the country that invented ice cream, China! This is the country that inspired our China tie. Fun Fact 1: Despite common belief, the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space with the naked eye, but [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Chile

On this week’s edition of Fun Fact Tuesday by Statesman Ties, we’re discussing Chile. This is the country that inspired our Chile tie. Fun Fact 1: Chile is home to the world’s largest swimming pool – a gargantuan 3,324-foot long man-made saltwater lagoon at the San Alfonso del Mar resort [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Canada

This week at Statesman Ties we’re discussing our neighbor to the north – Canada! The second largest country in the world has a lot of interesting facts about it, not to mention the fact that it inspired our Canada tie. Let’s dive in. Fun Fact 1: Canada is obviously a [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Brazil

On this week’s edition of Fun Fact Tuesday by Statesman Ties, we’re discussing the country that hosted this year’s Olympic Games: Brazil. This is the country that inspired our Brazil tie. Fun Fact 1: Brazil is a huge country. It’s the 5th largest country in the world by size (8.5 [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Bolivia

This week here on Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties we’re taking a peek at Bolivia, which is the country that inspired our Bolivia tie. Fun Fact 1: Bolivia is home to an enormous stretch of salt flats called Salar de Uyuni, which is considered the largest mirror on Earth [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Belgium

On this week’s installment of Fun Fact Tuesday at Statesman Ties we’re discussing the land of waffles – Belgium! This is the country that inspired our Belgium tie. Fun Fact 1: There are more castles per square mile in Belgium than there are anywhere else in the world. The Beersel [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Australia

This week on Statesman Ties we’re featuring some fun facts about the land down under – Australia, the country that inspired our Australia tie. Fun Fact 1: Australia is huge. It’s the sixth largest country in the world and the distance from coast to coast is as far as the [...]

Fun Fact Tuesday – Argentina

  This week on Statesman Ties, we’re discussing some interesting facts about Argentina, the country that inspired our Argentina tie. Fun Fact 1: While the official name of Argentina is the Argentine Republic, the name ‘Argentina’ is derived from the Latin word for silver, argentum. It was originally believed by [...]

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