Did y’all know that Isaac served a two-year mission in Mexico City for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Yes, this superman husband of mine spent two years preaching the gospel, while learning to speak fluent Spanish. I love him a lot, and I feel pretty lucky that I get to be his wife. Reading about his experiences is so precious to me!
For those of you familiar with missions, we all know getting our Elders the right gift can be super tough. I mean really. What can they actually use out there besides some candy?
Well, let’s be real. They all can use a new tie. But Statesman Ties are seriously the BEST gift you can give your missionary! Here are just a few reasons why:
1. They are P E R S O N A L. Statesman Ties are designed to represent the country//state your Elder is serving in. They have the colors of their mission location’s flag, as well as a small logo at the bottom. We all know how much our Elders love where they are serving–and how fun would it be to surprise yours with a tie that represents his new home for the next two years?
2. They are C L A S S Y. I love how these ties aren’t cheesy or too much. They look so good that they could even be worn after the mission! They come in both skinny and wide styles–whatever your Elder prefers.
3. They are E A S Y to S H I P. Light, flat, and will get to your Elder before you know it!
I love Isaac’s Statesman Tie, even now! He’s been home for three years, but the memories and experiences from his mission have been so important to our marriage. If you have any questions about Isaac’s mission, feel free to ask them in the comments below and he’ll be sure to answer them!
If you would like to purchase your own Statesman Tie, you can do so at www.StatesmanTies.com.
Have a lovely day–thanks for reading, friends! xoxo

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