Statesman Ties | A Tie That Means Something
Are you going to have more Country [and State] ties coming out any time soon?2016-04-08T19:39:07-06:00
  • Yes! We have more country neckties designed and are in process of being made. Follow us on Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram for the latest updates.
  • If you have a request for a specific state or country, please let us us know so we can move that specific tie up in the queue.
Can I order customized ties for my wedding?2016-04-08T19:38:32-06:00
  • Yes! Just email me.
  • It will take 4-5 weeks to ship after we agree on the design.
Who does the customized embroidery on the personalized tags on the back of the neckties?2021-09-28T23:04:29-06:00
  • Blake and his wife, Maren, do all of the customized embroidery on the personalized tags on the back of the neckties.  They use an embroidery machine. Brent then applies them to the backs of the ties before shipping them to their new homes.
Are these ties high quality?2016-04-08T19:37:38-06:00
  • In a word, “Yes!”  They are 100% woven silk.  Great detailed embroidery. Made with thick batting for a nice heft and feel.
  • The ties are also made two inches longer than most ties (for the taller guy out there).
How are the ties created? Or, What’s your inspiration?2021-09-28T23:07:02-06:00

Basically, we start the tie design process by looking at the flag of the particular country or state for the tie which we will be designing. We’ll try to take elements from the flag design and start rendering a rough concept of the tie in Adobe.

Then, we’ll search for symbols and colors and other inspirational things that are tied to that particular state or country. We’ll use some of those things and render a few more ties.

After some debate, we will edit and create and then edit again the color and designs of the tie.

Some more debating happens and then we’ll choose what we think are the top three and usually select our favorite tie. Sometimes – especially when we can’t decide on just one – we’ll post the renderings on facebook and/or instagram and get opinions from other people. Then, we decide which rendering will be the final design and prepare it to send off to the manufacturer.

Sometimes this is a quick process and other times, it takes seemingly forever!

We process each order in 2-3 business days. Then, depending on how far you live from Erda, Utah, the United States Postal Service usually delivers within 2-3 days.

The only major exception is when we’re on vacation. We’ll always leave a pop-up message on our website when we are out-of-town to let you know shipping will be delayed. Please email or call if you have any concerns about an order: or 435-841-4324

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