• The Statesman Ties Pakistan Skinny Tie design was inspired by the flag of Pakistan. We took the main elements of the national flag of Pakistan and created a classy necktie.
  • The Statesman Ties Turkey Tie design was inspired by the flag of Turkey. We took the main elements of the national flag of Turkey and created a classy necktie.
  • The Statesman Ties Turkey Skinny Tie design was inspired by the flag of Turkey. We took the main elements of the national flag of Turkey and created a classy necktie.
  • The Statesman Ties Madagascar Tie design was inspired by the flag of Madagascar. We took the main elements of the national flag of Madagascar and created a classy necktie.

  • The Statesman Ties Madagascar Skinny Tie design was inspired by the flag of Madagascar. We took the main elements of the national flag of Madagascar and created a classy necktie.

  • The Statesman Ties Uganda Tie design was inspired by the flag of Uganda. We took the main elements of the national flag of Uganda and created a classy necktie.

  • The Statesman Ties Uganda Tie design was inspired by the flag of Uganda. We took the main elements of the national flag of Uganda and created a classy necktie.

  • The Statesman Ties Vanuatu Skinny Tie design was inspired by the flag of Vanuatu. We took the main elements of the national flag of Vanuatu and created a classy necktie.

  • The Statesman Ties Christmas Tie design was inspired by the traditional red and green of the holiday and displays the NEW STAR.
  • The Statesman Ties Christmas Skinny Tie design was inspired by the traditional red and green of the holiday and displays the NEW STAR.
  • Statesman Ties Republican Tie is based the beloved elephant logo of the GOP.A perfect gift for anyone with a connection to the Republican Party.  Now reach across the aisle and work hand-in-hand with those wearing the blue donkey Statesman Tie.God Bless America.
  • Statesman Ties Democrat Tie is based the beloved donkey logo of the Democrat Party.A perfect gift for anyone with a connection to the Democrat Party.  Now reach across the aisle and work hand-in-hand with those wearing the red elephant Statesman Tie.God Bless America.

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