• The Statesman Ties Pakistan Tie design was inspired by the flag of Pakistan. We took the main elements of the national flag of Pakistan and created a classy necktie.
  • The Statesman Ties Morocco Tie design was inspired by the flag of Morocco. We took the main elements of the national flag of Morocco and created a classy necktie.
  • The Statesman Ties Egypt Tie design was inspired by the flag of Egypt. We took the main elements of the national flag of Egypt and created a classy necktie.

  • The Statesman Ties Cuba Tie design was inspired by the flag of Cuba. We took the main elements of the national flag of Cuba and created a classy necktie.

  • Our Namibia Tie is modeled after the flag of NamibiaStatesman Tie’s Namibia Tie was designed to represent the flag of Namibia.

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