• Our Hong Kong Tie is modeled after the flag of Hong KongStatesman Ties Hong Kong Tie was designed to represent the Hong Kong flag. The red color of the tie matches the background of the flag.
  • Our El Salvador Tie is modeled after the flag of El SalvadorStatesman Tie’s El Salvador tie was designed to show off the national coat of arms of El Salvador as well as highlight the blue and white stripes of the flag against a black background. 
  • Our Iceland Tie is modeled after the flag of IcelandStatesman Tie’s Iceland Tie was designed based off of the flag of Iceland. We used the dark blue background of the flag as the base layer for our tie. Then, we positioned the Nordic cross near the bottom of the tie in one of the angled stripes.
  • Our Mozambique Tie is modeled after the flag of MozambiqueStatesman Ties' Mozambique tie was designed to represent the flag of Mozambique. The navy background highlights the white, green and black stripes from the flag along with the AK-47/book/hoe/star symbol placed in the bottom corner of the tie. This is a tie that can be worn for many different occasions.
  • Our Ivory Coast Tie is modeled after the flag of the Ivory CoastStatesman Tie’s Ivory Coast Tie was designed with the flag of Ivory Coast in mind.

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